The story of The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals has humble beginnings. In 1922, Rev. J Lacour came to the Bayou Teche area preaching the Gospel; expounding upon the Oneness of God, the Acts 2:38 message, and the subsequent outpouring of the Holy Ghost. It was in those revivals that two brothers, Raphel and George d'Augereau, along with their wives, Callie and Estellina, and their children, Israel and Lucille, received this truth-filled message. The Holy Ghost fire soon spread and when Lazaire Patin and Fernand Green, with their wives Isabelle and Ida, joined with the d'Augereau family, a church was established. This small group of faithful believers met in fellowship and worship until a quaint church building was erected off of Main Highway on land generously donated by Raphel.
Although many anointed men of God traveled to the area to minister to these precious saints, there was no official pastorate for nearly 20 years when God sent Rev. Cousin to lead the assembly. His ministry was followed by Rev. Luke Trosclair, Rev. Wilbert Lorman, Rev. C.C. Williams, Rev. Brown, and Rev. Norbert Benoit as the church continued on in His Holy Name.
During the course of the 1960s, the church experienced steady growth from 25 members under the leadership of deacon Harry d'Augereau, Sr. Due to the tremendous work of God and increase in attendance, the growing congregation decided to construct a larger building to not only accommodate those faithful and dedicated saints who had already received the message, but also in anticipation of those whom God would lead. After the building project was completed, God continued to work through the ministries of Rev. Wayne Hagan, Rev. T.C. Alexander, Rev. Roy Thompson, Rev. C.E. Cooley, and Rev. E.O. Douglas.
In 1977, Rev. Tommy Parker and his wife Dorothy assumed pastorship of the church. During their leadership, the church elected to move the existing church structure to a new property on the same highway, which Emma Lou LaCombe, a great niece of the founding church members, generously provided. With the addition of a new sanctuary, the Sunday School department was able to use the original building for their teaching and programs. Despite the new building, revival continued and numbers grew so steadily that the congregation constructed a larger building accommodating 200 members in 1981. The two former sanctuary buildings are still in use today as the Sunday School facility and Fellowship Hall.
The position of pastor was then transferred to Rev. Lindsay Long and his wife Nancy in 1988. Their capable leadership enabled the congregation to implement many improvements to the sanctuary and property, and welcomed even more growth during their 22 years of pastoral service. The remarkable example of dedicated servanthood and Apostolic authority the Longs set ushered the church into its present era, enabling for an easy pastoral transition upon their retirement, and setting the stage for God to do a great and unprecedented work in the area.
In 2010, current pastor Rev. Jonathan Haygood and his wife Julie began their tenure at The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals. Tremendous growth continued during their ministry, necessitating many renovations which have created the church as seen today. The Haygoods' drive for Apostolic and Biblical accuracy has generated the commencement of many new programs that have increased the ability for the church to minister to their lively community along the banks of the Bayou Teche and beyond.
Even with the congregation moving forward with the vision God has given, the church still has deeply connected roots to its past. Nearly a century after the original d'Augereau brothers received the gift of the Holy Ghost, approximately 20 of their decedents are still dedicated members. With its roots deep set in the days when the glory first fell, The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals are growing upward, serving the community and experiencing revival as God continues to move greatly along the bayou.