

With sage wisdom and Biblical insight passed down to him from heralded men of God such as Rev. James Kilgore, Rev. T.W. Barnes, and Rev. Murrell Ewing, Rev. Jonathan Haygood guides, teaches, and ministers as pastor of The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals. His wife Julie Haygood, who serves as the church music director, supports Rev. Haygood in ministry. Together they have proven to be a caring and dynamic team with servants’ hearts. Although the Haygoods are humble and grateful for their ministry on the church platform, the days that they spend ministering to saints and community members far exceeds the time they are blessed to spend leading service.

Together they take an active role in their community through outreach, counseling, and service, in addition to support of and involvement in many church programs. Prior to assuming the pastorate, Rev. Haygood, an ordained minister with the United Pentecostal Church International, was a full-time Evangelist for nine years. In addition to leading The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals, Rev. and Mrs. Jonathan Haygood are honored to serve within the Multi-Cultural Ministries of the Louisiana District of the UPCI. With humble spirits dedicated to Jesus and actively committed to growth through prayer, fasting, and time spent in the Word of God, Rev. and Mrs. Haygood strive to exhibit and encourage nothing short of agape love here at The Breaux Bridge Pentecostals. They look forward to welcoming you, worshipping with you, and walking along side of you, offering steadfast Godly help and service as you navigate the sometimes tumultuous waters of life.